Products / Modular One / Estimation, Quotation and Enquiry /

This is a part of the Modular One product line.

Every business has its own ways of managing the estimation, quotation and enquiry process. Some may get away with a generic system but most will find that their industry or their way of working demands a specific approach.

It may be to do with the material you handle: Is it roll-based or sheet-based? If so how do you handle roll-ends or off-cuts? Can you use an alternative material if the one requested is not in stock? How will this effect price?

It may be to do with the machines themselves. How many operations per minute? What is the cost/unit? And what are the tooling requirements?

And then there are quantity breaks to be considered on both price and cost. What about packaging and delivery?

All these factors need to be considered before an estimate is made.

The sales function needs to managed. Enquiries must be logged. Quotes must be generated, communicated and then chased.

Our Estimation, Quotation and Enquiries product automates all of these functions and more.

The estimator is key. It must be industry specific if it is to be of any use at all. We are experts at building estimators; we have been doing it for over 20 years now. And we are now making that expertise available by launching a range of Estimation, Quotation and Enquiry products.

The first is targeted at the Plastics Packaging industry but more are in the pipeline.
