Products / Enterprise One / Thermoforming Edition / Features /
These are some the features of the Thermoforming Edition.
- Quoting
- Raw Material Specification
- Material Thickness
- Material Class
- Material Details
- Colour
- Density
- Sell Price per Kg
- Fixed Costs
- Re-Ruling Costs
- Misc Costs
- Tooling Specifications
- Impressions per Tool
- Index
- Tool Width
- Raw Material Width
- Tooling Cost
- Trim Size
- Forming
- Width
- Length
- Height
- Weight
- Cutting Factor
- Total Knife
- Configuration
- Width Number
- Length Number
- Additional Forming Quantities
- Lids and Bottoms
- Operations Information
- Estimated Cycles per Minute
- Estimated Set Up Time
- Formings per Hour
- Machine Cost per Hour
- Packaging
- Carton
- Lining
- Layer Pad
- Divider
- Packing Factor
- Nesting Distance
- Configuration
- Quantity in Stacks
- Number in Stacks
- Quantity in a Box
- Total Packing Costs per Box
- Max Pallet Height
- Boxes per Pallet
- Multiple Quantity Price Breaks
- Generate Quote
- Generate BoM
- Multiple Call-Off Manager
- Schedule Manager
- Unlimited call offs per order
- Call off schedule report
- Price adjustment per call off
- Simple adjust Qty and Date
- Generates production jobs
- Production Jobs
- Job Run Scheduler
- Date
- Machine
- Run Sequence
- Predicted Total Run Hours
- Tool Required
- Cutter Required
- Anvil Required (optional)
- Run with Pri or Alt BoM Matl
- Alternative Materials
- Material Definition Editor
- UoM
- Width
- Length
- Height
- Thickness
- Density
- Alternative Materials Calc
- Material Conversion Factor
- Multiple Alternatives Available
- Multiple Alternative Selections
- Roll End Management
- Full Trace-ability on Materials and Formings
- Labels
- Box
- Pallet
- Material
- Full Description
- Quantities
- Label Numbers
- Packaging Details
- Including Regulatory Requirements